Womanhood un: Veiled


Womanhood, a journey through life’s stages from first breath to last, is a marvel. Freedom intertwined with constraint, bearing life’s gift and love’s boundlessness. The mother-daughter-grandmother cycle mirrors the dandelion’s bloom and the phases of the Moon; Childhood, Maidenhood, Motherhood, Crone Stage — each a tapestry of wonder.

Motherhood brings transformation, from self to selflessness, navigating childbirth’s labyrinth and maternal responsibility. My journey into motherhood, fraught with loss, found solace in my youngest daughter’s arrival. This portrait celebrates life’s complexity, gratitude mingled with sorrow. My eldest daughter’s portrait celebrates Maidenhood; a time of self-discovery and creative exploration. My mother’s portrait embodies the Crone Stage; a life rich with experiences, resilience and wisdom earned through time. 

This triptych seeks to honour the depth and breadth of womanhood, weaving together the threads of past, present and future — a testament to women’s enduring strength. Drawing from my own experiences and those of the women who came before me, I delve into the layers of identity, navigating the delicate balance between freedom and constraint, strength and vulnerability. Each image is imbued with the echoes of the past and the hopes for the future, capturing the essence of womanhood in all its richness and nuance.

Womanhood un: Veiled. Professional Photographer, Videographer in London Dilyana Tankova
Womanhood un: Veiled. Professional Photographer, Videographer in London Dilyana Tankova
Womanhood un: Veiled. Professional Photographer, Videographer in London Dilyana Tankova
